According to Red, an unnamed gang member, shooting the 31 entails fighting everybody in your Blood set for 31 seconds. This is not Fight Club, where people take it in turns; instead, it is everyone, all at once.. In our Nation we will never take another's Bloods kindness for weakness. In our organization, we will treat each Blood as an individual. Examples of the rules are: Individual gang members are to operate and conduct themselves as defined by "The 31"; Procedures for infractions or disciplinary actions; "Snitching," or cooperating with law enforcement, is strictly prohibited. (for "Member of Bloods" or "Money Over Bitches"). Cheap Wardrobe Hacks: Clever Ways to Make the Most of Your Storage Space. The Bloods are also affiliated with the Latin Kings, who are a street gang based out of Los Angeles. A group of African-American men made it because they didnt like how the New York police department treated them. which stands for "Member of Bloods", A five-pointed star (the points of the star represent the five points of knowledge within the UBN: life, love, loyalty, obedience, and respect and/or love, truth, justice, freedom, and peace), Three circular brands or burn marks upon the skin formed into a triangle, commonly known in the organization as "dog paws," which represent the UBN. [6], Gang graffiti often includes the letter "C" crossed out, the abbreviation "CK" (for "Crip Killer"), the number "031", the letter "S" crossed out (as "Slobs" is an offensive nickname for Bloods). Mack as our organizations God Father of the reborn United Blood Nation. We must be branded with three dots on the right arm of our organization. This process is referred to as being "brought home." In 2017, Cardi B tweeted that she has been a big time Blood since I was 16.. Most members of The Bloods wear red shirts or jackets with black pants or shorts underneath, with some choosing lighter versions while others prefer darker ones. Create a sustainable ecosystem by using solar roof panels! We must always make our Blood affiliation known in our organization. Wiki User 2014-09-29 14:46:22 Study now See answers (2) Best Answer Copy Some of the rules for the Blood gang are: 1. That's what it is. Accordingly, it's said Bloods should fast on the 31st to honor this date, according to an New York Police Department gang manual. What Does 31 Mean For Bloods? 2. In addition to providing new Blood inmates with clothing and food, our organisation will also offer them soap, shampoo, powder, deodorant, money, security, and phone time. In our organization we will have no snitches. set will have its Book, which will be updated and distributed to all members as soon as an update occurs. The Bloods remain a significant presence in many US cities today. The Bloods have been involved in ongoing conflicts with other gangs, both within their own cities and across the country. In our organization, we will treat each Blood as an individual. Despite being outnumbered, their viciousness helped them gain notoriety and eventually become one of the most significant and feared gangs in the United States; they became the Crips prototypical adversary. It is used as a way to identify themselves with the gang and to show their affiliation. However, leaving a gang is much more complex than canceling a streaming service subscription; gang membership will follow you home from prison. Each set has its own leader and generally operates independently from the others. Their beef with each other has lasted longer than some countries existed, and all Blood members are expected to follow this simple rule that the Crips are and always will be the enemy. Even at the local level, rules reported by the NYPD from seized gang literature exhort members to "always keep your dress code/hygiene up to par" and to "never start a conflict unless it's important, because everything you do reflects on each and every Blood ". And this isn't a "Fight Club" situation where each person waits their turn; no, this is "everyone, all at once. In our nation we will always put in work and hold blessings. The case was investigated by the FBI in cooperation with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation and local police departments. place. Red also told the Niagara Gazette how a potential Blood could put in some work and join the group. They crafted the 31 rules for UBN members to follow and, for the gang, those numbers have meaning. The original intent of the Bloods use of coded language was to make it impossible for prison guards to decipher verbal or written communications with inmates. Furthermore, a flag that is dropped is a sign of extreme disrespect. His orders to inmates belonging to the Bloods gang were to attack members of a "renegade gang called Pretty Tony," causing several extended prison lockdowns and multiple injuries. it's important. ", As detailed in a report by the State of Virginia, depending on the length of membership and work put in, members progress through a set of ranks, whose names vary from set to set and by affiliation to West or East Coast Blood gangs. 8. Bloods refers to a loosely structured association of smaller street gangs, known as "sets," which has adopted a common gang culture. [18], On May 18, 2017, eighty-three members of the Nine Trey Gangsters faction of the UBN were arrested and indicted on federal racketeering conspiracy charges and charges related to murder, attempted murder, violent assault, narcotics distribution, firearms possession, and Hobbs Act robbery. In our organization there will be no one accepted in our As reported by the U.S. Department of Justice,in 2011, Pedro Gutierrez, a "Godfather" of the NYC Bloods gang Nine Trey Gangsters, ordered a gang war in North Carolina. Before fists fly, and in a key example of Blood business being discussed privately, the group convened and sought permission from the set leader before action was taken. We will never discuss our problems with outsiders in our organization. Not long afterwards the situation escalated to both gang members getting into a fist fight, followed by the four fellow gang members jumping them both in a flurry of arms and fists. A portion of the dues is saved and utilized locally, while another portion is sent up the chain to gang leadership. is the code for Blood. Expulsion from the gang is also possible. Are the Bloods connected with other gangs? In our Nation we will respect every General. Some people say the Bloods hurt rappers Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls, but nobody knows for sure. Blood Basics Blood is a specialized body fluid. The 3 dots also represent the "triple 0" (000) which An anonymous Blood member known only as "Red"told the Niagara-Gazettethat leaving the gang or "folding the flag" in reference to the red flags all Bloods are expected to carry appears to be easier for leaders to do. As these members were released from prison and migrated, the UBN spread across the streets of New York and eventually down the East Coast of the United States. These rules show how to behave in the gang and also show that the Bloods are together and loyal to each other. According to The Source, the first truce of the Watts neighborhood in L.A. was in 1992, following the death of a gang member at the hands of the LAPD, which just so happened to be days before the L.A. riots erupted as a response to the acquittal of the cops who beat Rodney King. In order to become a UBN member, one must be introduced by an existing gang member. The Blood Gang (United Blood Nation) is a notorious US gang founded in the 1970s to rival the Crips. The rules of the Blood Gang are not mere guidelines, but a code of conduct that must be strictly followed by members. In our organization we will always put in work and While the Bloods have a reputation for being a dangerous and violent gang, it is important to note that their activities have a significant impact on various communities. Both individuals, high ranking members of the Nine Trey Gangsters, were setting examples of the rules stating that members should "keep an up and alert mind while going to court or any area around us" and "we will always use intelligence over emotion," visually at least. The Blood code is the triple 0 (000), which can be represented by the three dots. The gang's meteoric rise to the top of the gang hierarchy was halted in 2001, however, when founder Omar Portee was arrested and later convicted of federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) charges. The Bloods are also known for their rivalry with the Crips, which has been ongoing for decades. How can scammers use your phone number to hack your Instagram? Police are trying to stop the Bloods and other gangs, but its still a big problem. A typical range for GGT levels in adults and children is between 0 and 30 international units per liter. In the years following Portee's incarceration, the UBN has splintered somewhat, with infighting among the gang's subgroups being reported. Former Army Spc. Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection Police and other law enforcement agencies are working to prevent the Bloods and other gangs from engaging in illegal activities, but despite their efforts, it remains a significant issue that requires attention. [14], Operation Heat, an investigation by the Division of Criminal Justice Gangs & Organized Crime Bureau, uncovered a conspiracy in which the UBN's Nine Trey Gangsters faction entered into an alliance with the Lucchese crime family to smuggle drugs and pre-paid cell phones into East Jersey State Prison, and led to the arrests of thirty-four members and associates of the Lucchese family's Jersey Crew in May 2010. so others outside of our cipher can judge us by what we are and 19: "We will always show a state of obedience so others outside of our cipher can judge us by what we are and what our organization can accomplish." They also have connections with the Latin Kings, a street gang based out of Los Angeles. Every day with authority, we will salute each Blood with our organizations Lock and Load shake! Portee was sentenced to 50 years imprisonment and is currently incarcerated in the federal supermax ADX Florence prison in Colorado. 31 Meanings of 000 1) 000 In 2) Jumped by blood for 31 sekonds 3) Voted in by kommitteeBURNING OF "FLUE" RAG 4) No punkin out 5) 000 out in the kourt of law 6) No snitching 7) No fighting amongs bloods Respekt your 000 never deny them 9) Slash out all 's in kites 10) Put " Rip og Tye" 3 teardrops in every kite 11) Wear all flags on the A DOJ report from 2020, in listing the various crimes committed by Demetrice Devine, a "Godfather" of the Gangsta Killer Bloods from North Carolina, mentioned how this top-ranking member ordered the shooting of an informant, repeating the order to kill them after they survived and were recovering in the hospital. A number were also charged with bank fraud, wire fraud, and aggravated identity theft related to financial crimes. ): In our organization, we will never argue in front of outsiders. Anyone who disregards this rule and gets into an altercation with another Blood runs the risk of being jumped by the other Bloods present. In our nation we will breed with Bloodettes to make Blood Drops. This rule emphasizes the importance of maintaining a tough exterior and not showing vulnerability to others. Members of the Bloods, Blood In, Blood Out, membership is for life, The price of admission includes a timed beating. A portion of the dues are saved and utilized locally, while another portion is sent up the chain to gang leadership. You should take something back as an offering to your Bloods. The indictments were the culmination of an eleven-month investigation, called Operation Nine Connect, involving around five hundred law enforcement officers from federal, state, and local agencies. It is customary for Blood to keep their personal affairs to themselves. 27. 4. 5. We must be branded with three dots on the right arm of our organization. 7. All gang members are required to "put in work," meaning that they must carry out the orders and activities as directed by gang leadership. In our Nation we must respecXt 3 dots on the right arm. We will never attack neutrals in our organization. The structure of the UBN is hierarchical in nature. Each set under the UBN shall have it's own Book which will be handed out to all members as soon as newer knowledge takes placXe. While UBN gang members can often be identified by the wearing of red clothing, tattoos are also an important method of membership identification. The Bloods are known for their involvement in criminal enterprises such as drug trafficking, extortion, and robbery. As a Godfather in the United Blood Nation gang he was considered the highest authority in the nationwide organization. For most tests, you will be told not to consume anything but water for eight hours leading up to the test. Every commanding officer in our organization will be respected. According to U.B.N. The feud between the Bloods and the Crips is legendary, not surprisingly since the Bloods' very foundation was to oppose the Crips in the early 1970s, per Britannica. CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Eighty-three alleged leaders and members of the "United Blood Nation" (UBN or Bloods) have been indicted on federal racketeering conspiracy charges and charges related to murder, attempted murder, violent assault, narcotics distribution, firearms possession and Hobbs Act robbery. The latter is especially common in prisons where guns (of both the bullet and tattoo variety) are scarce. Like an HOA or your favorite streaming service, Bloods membership comes with monthly dues. In our organization we must respect October 31st 1993 as the A routine complete blood count (CBC) checks for levels of 10 different components of every major cell in your blood: white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. While some sets allow female members, their status varies between sets. [17] All twenty-eight were convicted on various charges, the last of whom was sentenced in October 2014. A report from Virginia State Police explains that the Bloods use symbolism, where zero represents Blood, one represents unity, and three represents 31 rules of bloods. So if Bloods aren't rampaging and slashing their way through the streets as the rumors say, what are they actually doing on October 31? New members of the UBN are given a copy of these rules, which they are expected to memorize. On the other side of the country, the United Blood Nation (U.B.N.) I'm classified as a civilian. How is Spellcasting ability 5e dnd calculated. They crafted the 31 rules for UBN members to follow and, for the gang, those numbers have meaning. paw. Old School gangs didn't provide domestic services or follow regimes mandating blue-collar labor. If members break one of the organization's 31 rules by cooperating with law enforcement, prosecutors said, they join a "worldwide menu" of people marked for death. You can also only hold 3 cards at a time. The Bloods are known for their violent activities, criminal enterprises and ongoing conflicts with other gangs. [19] Eighty-two people were convicted as a result of the investigation,[20] including Pedro Gutierrez, the "Chairman" of the UBN, who was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment on September 4, 2018. We can learn everything in today's post. 28. members to follow. All Blood members are given a red flag, which they may wear as a bandanna or hang from their clothing,per a Virginia state police intelligence report. The prosecutions followed a six-month-long investigation by the FBI and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD). You have to score 31 or as close to it as possible to win. Mario Van Peebles, who played King in Straight Outta Compton (2015), narrates this documentary, so its bound to be good! [3], Members of the gang are mostly African-American males. We will honor O.G. These rules show the gangs loyalty and unity. Is it Safe to Eat a Turkey Frozen For 2-3 Years? If I start a fight, at least two of them will join in immediately, regardless of who is right.. You never hide your flag, even if it means taking an a** whooping, one unnamed Blood member explained to the Niagara Gazette. The Blood Gang is a story about the real history of the Bloods, who are one of the biggest gangs on the streets of California. Red blood cells have an average life span of 120 120 1 2 0 120 days. The United Blood Nation must take precedence over religion in our organization. Their ferocity would help them overcome their numerical disadvantage and propel them into notoriety as one of the largest and most feared gangs in the United States, and the archetypal opponent of the Crips. 26. In our Nation we must always let our United Blood Nation Love be known. Common UBN tattoos include: 2023 Cox Media Group. The UBN has since spread across the East Coast of the United States; however, the ultimate authority for gang decisions is still maintained in New York and the New York prison system, described by UBN members as "up top." [2], Gang tattoos often use three dots representing a dog paw, bulldogs, and "M.O.B." In our Nation we will never deny another United Blood Nation a plate of food or a drink. Over on the East Coast, the United Blood Nation (UBN) governs by the 31 rules of the UBN. The symbolism of zero means blood, one is for unification of all Bloods, and three is for the 31 rules,according to an intelligence report published by Virginia State Police. The UBN gang leadership includes a national council ("the Council"). [2][4], The United Blood Nation was formed on July 16, 1993, when incarcerated gang leaders Omar "OG Mack" Portee and Leonard "OG Dead Eye" McKenzie allied several gangs including the Nine Trey Gangsters, GKB, and Blood Stone Villains to protect members from the dominant etas and Latin Kings gangs. [22] Thirty-nine of the defendants were convicted on federal firearms and drug charges. This process is referred to as being "brought home", alternatively referred to as "Bumming Home". Despite having fewer members, their extreme violence and aggression have made them well-known and one of the most feared gangs in the US. CHARLOTTE, N.C. In the 163-page indictment, authorities detailed the history of the United Blood Nation as well as some terminology that is used in the gang. The prison footage shows a fight between two Blood members who are upset with each other because one of them stole from a third inmate. GREENVILLE, S.C. . pride! rule No. We can learn everything in todays post. These two groups gained popularity due to their diverse graffiti art on walls around town, which started a graffiti war. ", According to the U.S. Department of Justice, As reported by the U.S. Department of Justice, According to "Gangland: An Encyclopedia of Gang Life from Cradle to Grave,", a Virginia state police intelligence report, according to an New York Police Department gang manual, detailed in a Virginia state police intelligence report, per a Virginia state police intelligence report. Everything we do has an impact on every Blood. Every commanding officer in our organization will be respected. The three dots must form a triangle representing a D.O.G.S. They formed what would later become known as the Bloods. Tupac was killed on September 7th, 1996, and Biggie was shot on March 9th, 1997. These rumors, often spread through emails, have since been discredited by both Snopes and law enforcement. Every day with authority, we will salute each Blood with our organizations Lock and Load shake! We will never play with bloody hands in our organization to avoid misunderstandings. No one will fight me one-on-one. There will be no rapists in our organization. In addition to providing new Blood inmates with clothing and food, our organization will also offer them soap, shampoo, powder, deodorant, money, security, and phone time. Some commonly used words include: Code terms are also used to refer to specific actions carried out by UBN gang members or to communicate about intended or performed actions in a secure and covert manner. any Blood to prevent misunderstandings. You can commit some robbery, Red suggested. Firearms and thousands of grams of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and THC were seized during the operation. All gang members are required to "put in work," meaning that they must carry out the orders and activities as directed by gang leadership. The documentary was produced by National Geographic and aired on PBS in 2008, but its also available online. According to the TNLF, October 1993 is when the founders of the UBN got together in prison to unite against rival Hispanic gangs and thus officially establishing the Bloods there. One of the primary motivations for joining a gang, especially in a restrictive environment like a prison, is the promise of safety from other inmates. C. Procedure . Your blood type is also determined by Rh status: Rh+ or Rh-. Important components. Tattoos that symbolize a particular hood. 11. Despite the Dogs Paw being a standard tattoo for East Coast Bloods, other tattoos may be required to show membership in different Bloods gangs. They became the Crips prototypical adversary and expanded their reach to other cities across the country. 5 (via TNLF): "In our organization we will never argue in front of outsiders." In our organization we will provide new Blood inmates As reported by lohud, the Yonkers, New York-based Blood Stone Assassins made this threat to members in a private Facebook chat, where they explained that failure to pay dues would result in members being "out the whip" and "parked," code for being thrown out of the gang. How to choose a moving company when moving? It was determined by Omar "Original Gangster Mack" Portee and his partner Leonard "Dead Eye" McKenzie, both inmates on Rikers Island, that the Bloods hoods should unite in order to protect themselves from "The Almighty Latin King Nation," the largest prison gang in the New York prison system at the time. Like a homeowners association or a subscription service, joining Bloods requires regular payment. The number 0 represents Blood, the number 1 represents the union of all Blood, and the number 3 represents the 31 regulations. members to follow, and those numbers have significance for the gang. As discussed later in the clip, this was punishment for the two antagonists fighting in public. We will not disrespect any other organizations that are not enemies of our organization. Starting out as a member of the Nine Trey Gangsters, a subset of the United . ALS . CHARLOTTE, N.C. - A high-ranking North Carolina leader of the Nine Trey Gangsters set of the United Blood Nation (UBN or Bloods) street gang, was sentenced today to 19 years in prison for racketeering conspiracy.Also sentenced today were two other members of the Bloods gang. In our organization we will. 15. There are 31 UBN rules known as "The 31." Examples of the rules are: Individual gang members are to operate and conduct themselves as defined by "The 31"; Procedures for infractions or disciplinary actions; "Snitching," or cooperating with law enforcement, is strictly prohibited. What, then, are Bloods doing on October 31st if they arent, as rumour has it, rampaging and slashing their way through the streets? However, things aren't quite that simple. In 1972, on the streets of Los Angeles, a gang war between the dominant Crips and several local rivals was playing out, per Black Past. In our organization The United Blood Nation must come before They formed the Blood Gang to protect themselves and their group from police brutality and oppression. The footage is taken from inside a prison during a dispute between two Blood members, who had an issue due to one of them having stolen from a third inmate. In our organization we will never start a conflict unless In our organization we will never steal from another In 2019, another ceasefire was called after the murder of Nipsey Hussle, reports the Los Angeles Times. As a group, we will always do what our superiors tell us. A greeting of "soo woo" is returned with the greeting of "woo", "Five" is a reference to a fellow UBN member. Although the specifics vary between Blood "sets," many of these rules are common to all Bloods, who must obey or face their homies' wrath. UBN sets are most active in . [3], All UBN subgroups are governed by a common set of rules originally written by founders Omar Portee and Leonard McKenzie. [8], The structure of the United Blood Nation is hierarchical, with each member being designated a specific rank within the gang, which comes with specific duties and responsibilities. The number 31 is significant to the United Bloods Nation. Even though the military certainly downplays any negative impact this may bring, such as not all gang members can part ways with the Bloods, some gang members instead join the military, making the transition from one complex and risk-laden group to another. And No. There will be no snitches in our organization. So rather than committing violence or any sort of Halloween trickery, Bloods members simply chill. In our organization we will never deny another Blood a plate emotion. SHC 31 1.1 People communicate in order to give and receive information and instructions. They got tattoos and wore clothing brands like Supreme, which made sense because both communities love fashion. They wanted to create a sense of community and protection for themselves and others who shared similar experiences. We will never steal from another Blood in our organization. 23. 19, We will always show a state of obedience so that others outside our cipher can judge us by what we are and our organization can accomplish.. 16. individually. But leaving a gang is far harder than canceling a subscription to a streaming service; once you leave prison, your membership will follow you home. There are rules which govern the activities to be performed during a "Pow Wow", which include: Each hood also has terms that are specific to that hood. 24. According to an intelligence report, the symbolism of zero represents Blood, one represents the unification of all Bloods, and three represents the 31 rules. This book is about two boys who join forces with other kids to stop bullies from hurting them. Red is the colour most commonly associated with Blood members, though other colours are sometimes worn. Regardless of how they choose to sport it, it is expected that a Blood keeps their flag visible even if it may put them in harm's way, such as being spotted by a rival gang member. The UBN hierarchy, or chain of command, includes a national council ("the Council") consisting of members selected from the leaders of the gang's subgroups ("sets"). The Blood Gang started in Los Angeles a long time ago. The Bloods contain various . In his interview with the Niagara Gazette, an anonymous gang member going by "Red" described shooting the 31 as "everyone in your Blood set, you fight every one of them for 31 seconds." Why Do You Need Immediate Help with Sewer Leaks? What is the impact of the Bloods on communities? A blood rule is a rule used in many sports that generally states that an athlete that receives an open wound, is bleeding, or who has blood on them or their clothes, must immediately leave the playing area to receive medical attention. This is why the Bloods often use the number 31 in their graffiti, tattoos, and other forms of gang identification. The Bloods have a picture of a red cross, which is from when they used to be called the Redside Bloods or RSC (Red Side Crips). "Big homie" refers to a higher ranking member, while "big fool" generally refers to the senior ranking member present. "You can go on a robbery or something," Red said. criticisms of underclass theory,
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31 rules of bloods